Friday, July 19, 2019

Revealing the Ten Authors of Tomorrow - The Wilbur Niso Smith Foundation

This is one of the best things I have done so far. When The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation invited me to join this initiative as a  volunteer reviewer, I knew that I would love every minute of it. They sent me the stories of 11 year old and under.

The young authors were bright, very imaginative and so good at storytelling. I was touched by their enthusiasm and earnest representation of their stories.

So here are the shortlists.

Wishing them all the very best. Keep writing!

The following stories are commended alongside those selected for the shortlist. Each writer displayed great potential and will receive a certificate of commendation in September. Congratulations!

11 and under: A Cat's Work by Layla Wilson (11), A Rainforest Adventure by Shira Woolfson (11), Little Desire and the Witch Mithona by Pavel Pavlov (9), Max and the Manor by Anurag Dastidar (9), Roar-some Feathers by David Essien (9), The Death and Birth of a Kingdom by Alex Freeman (10), To Fly Alone by Naomi Sutton (10)

12-15 years: Code Espionage by Sahil Lowalekar (13), Surprise for the Small-Mother by Uma Menon (15), The Climb by Liam Donoher, The Hawk Roosting by Henry Tesson-Fell (15), The Nighthawk by Filip Matyla (12), Through the Brick Wall by Lydia Kent (15), Sea of Souls by Ibukunoluwa Adebayo (14)

16-21 years: A Boy and his Dog by Alex Atkinson (17), A Red Dawn by Charlotte Williams (20), Atlas Rising by Taylor Gardner (19), The Hunt by Brianna Witte (21), The Miracles of Eluna Khine by Alex Bestwick (19), This Isn't About Her by Salvador Tinajero (20)
A huge thank you to the readers and reviewers who volunteered their time with us over the last couple of months. The winner of each category will announced at the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize Awards Ceremony on 12th September 2019.

Monday, May 6, 2019


Reviewed by Shobana Gomes, 
Poet/Writer, Published Author, Book Reviewer
Date of Review: 6th May, 2019

Title of Book: Silent Strength
Language: English
Author: Monica Kunzekweguta
ISBN-10: 978 1989-035035
ISBN-13: 978 1989-035030
Publisher: Monica Kunzekweguta
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 139
Price: USD24.99 (sold on Amazon)


When reading Silent Strength, a book that inspires as well as motivates, make sure you sit in the silence of a room, reflect with an open heart and mind, while reading it. It transforms the person in you through its meaningful messages.

There is so much wisdom and courage outlined in this reflective narration.

Here are some notable statements, from the award-winning author and life coach, Monica Kunzekweguta that created an impact in me:

-          On Goal Setting and Planning

Often, we just write down our goal and forget about them altogether. We do not focus on them at all, in that, we focus on our problems and they steal our valuable time, then, we end up failing to create the life we want.

-          Her thoughts on an Author’s voice

It is important to me that each author’s voice is respected. It is vital to allow that because it is their story, their essence that makes them unique and valuable.

-          Her words to inspire

* Never underestimate the power to recreate life. You have something of value to give.
* My passion is to speak life into people’s dream – no experience is ever lost!
* You attract more of what you focus on. Fear was my demise.
* Your contribution is never too little, it might be the one thing that will change someone’s life.

What happens when you delve into the message this book outlines, is that you come off reading Monica Kunzekweguta’s book of life, emboldened, humbled, with an added confidence to take charge of your life through her experiences.

It is a book that you need to read, in order to benefit from the nuggets of wisdom gained through experience, of a woman who took her community by storm, by standing up, rebelling even, for what she believes in!
Her courage speaks volumes.

Monica Kunzekweguta, turned her trials into a learning experience, healing from past wounds in the process, and best of all, she has embarked on sharing those experiences with others who might be in the same predicament. 

As she has healed, so she heals through her words of encouragement, and methods of motivation. Her Take-Away notes are truly inspiring and a must read!

From the best-selling author who has mastered her “Vision Quest” based on a vision she had in 2007, and made it her way of life, Monica’s noble intention, which is aptly outlined in Silent Strength, is to enroll others, and encourage them to seek their destiny and life’s purpose.

I would recommend her book, Silent Strength, as a voice of reason, a push in the right direction towards a positive change in overcoming the many difficulties in life.

Monica had the courage to change her course of life. She chose to seek freedom from a repressed community. Make it an inspiration towards changing your own.

Taken from Monica’s Silent Strength is a quote of Mother Teresa’s: Reach High, for stars, are hidden in your soul. Dream deep for every dream precedes the goal.

 About the Author

Monica Kunzekweguta was born and raised in Zimbabwe. She moved to the United Kingdom in 1994. She lived there 21 years before moving to Canada where she now lives.
Monica is a Certified Life Coach, multiple best-selling International Author and Speaker, compiler, and publisher. She compiled her first anthology in 2015, a journey which inspired her to go into publishing.
Authors Without Boundaries is one of the vehicles that gives Monica the opportunity to use her coaching skills, to help ordinary people transform, through sharing their extraordinary stories to help others.
A lot of her clients have managed to excel in their businesses after sharing their stories. Some have written their solo books, and are thriving in other areas of their lives.
A Sociology graduate, Monica gained a lot of experiences dealing with life’s challenges in the United Kingdom, where she worked as a Manager in the Mental Health sector for over 15 years.
She completed several self-development and leadership programs, including training in Consciousness, Creativity, and Connections through the Proctor and Gallagher Institute.
She believes in continuous learning, to serve others better.
Monica is the Project Founder of Inspiration for Kids International, a charity organization which provides library books to children living in rural Zimbabwe, which enables them to gain exposure through reading and learning.
She enjoys traveling, reading, watching documentaries and walking.

Her Written Accreditation to-date

-          The Depth of her Soul – Beautiful Stories of Faith and Empowerment – Feb, 24th 2016

-          Untold Stories of Resilience : Courage, Strength, and the Unyielding Spirit – Oct, 30th 2016

-          Unbridled Strength – 38 Empowering Stories of Resilience and Growth – Dec, 5th 2017

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Read a Review on Another Place to Call Home

                               An Arranged Marriage, A Heartbreak Proposal,                              
A child and the woman within.

Something New For You
Gift a child today!

Free on Kindle/Kindle Unlimited
USD1.00 on Amazon KDP

Thursday, January 31, 2019

AW Schade - Looking for God Within the Kingdom of Religious Confusion


Reviewed by Shobana Gomes, Poet/Writer, Published Author, Book Reviewer
Date of Review: 31st January 2019


Title of Book: Looking for God within the Kingdom of Religious Confusion 

Author: AW Schade
ISBN-13: 978-1983049378
Publisher: Independently Published 
Publication Date: June 4, 2018
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 208 
Price: USD9.95 (sold on Amazon)


“Where is God?”

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven, one of the beatitudes of Catholicism, and I believe what started Jacob A.Hinsen on a journey of religious self-discovery, and to seek the authenticity of a God who through his own faultless account in this book “persecutes as well”. A God who punishes, and destroys to reveal his wrath on all believers, and non-believers who do not succumb to his ways. A God of the ancient times, who may have not revealed his true mercy, and compassion to the world before, and of our time.

Jacob, a Roman Catholic questions the faith he was born into after losing his daughter, Jessica, in a devastating car accident. He struggles to accept her death, and blames God, who he finds merciless and ruthless to have let her die in a cruel manner, at such a tender age. “Where is God,” he begins.
Jacob’s quest to search for the true meaning of religion, and in a way be able to find God who is able to manifest himself to him, so that his hunger for truth is revealed, takes him on a road to seek the three main religions of the world.

Jacob’s road to search for answers leads him through the ancient Gateway of Abraham – the only entrance to The Religious Kingdom of Confusion. There, he meets great scholars of the different faiths, and begins his inquisitorial journey into finding true religion and its meaning.
As Jacob advances in his mission, he learns that all the religious scholars advocate peace, and tolerance for each other’s religions.

I found this book such an eye-opener to the many different faiths that Man has fought over since the beginning of time in order to gain supremacy. This is a great book to read which will take the reader, just as the writer intended, on a journey to self-discovery, and “open up minds” to the different advocacy of religious interpretations.

This book, I recommend, to everyone who wants to re-look the meaning of religion, and its hold on us. A very well written book, it will keep you glued to its contents from the beginning, and also satisfy your curiosity to the many questions you may have regarding God, and his hand in this world. It is a must read!

About the Author

A.W. Schade is a Marine Veteran turned prolific writer. With an impressive track record of 30 years in the corporate sector, first as a Bank Manager and thereafter in corporate executive marketing, business development, operations and sales, positions that he held right after his early retirement from the Marines. (He opted for early retirement as a result of recurring flashes of his darkest memories of combat in Vietnam).  As fate would have it, Schade was diagnosed with PTSD, something that in the early stages, he was not inclined to accept and denied. After eventually seeking assistance in therapy and recognizing the need to raise awareness to PTSD, in order to help other veterans who were experiencing the same disorder, he began to write stories to “open minds” as he so aptly writes in his biography.
AW Schade has skillfully demonstrated in his books that the effects of war on veterans and families are very real, damaging and one that needs lifelong healing and support.
His energy directed at writing and thus seeking remedial recovery is credible. What is more commendable and admirable is that he shares his experience to help other veterans and families affected by PTSD by raising awareness of the disorder through therapy sessions and support groups.
Schade is married, a father of three and a four-time grandfather. He holds a degree in Business Management from Syracuse University.

His Written Accreditation to-date

His first story was the award-winning novel, "Looking for God within the Kingdom of Religious Confusion," An enlightening 'creative non-fiction' story of one man's journey to find the truth about God and religion.
To help veterans recognize and accept PTSD, he wrote a story titled “The Demons of War are Persistent – his personal account of denial and living with PTSD and an essay titled “Not Alone” about the trepidation of entering group therapy. Both books are free to read and download on his website
His keen eye and experience in combat techniques saw him publish his first suspense-filled short story.  In “If I fail, what doom awaits the children”, Schade shows his humane and compassionate side as he writes fiction about three kidnapped children who are saved by an elderly veteran, Jacob A.Hinsen.
 In August 2017, Schade went one step further and consolidated all his stories into a single volume “anthology PERCEPTION.' Thus making his stories easier for readers to acquire individually or all in one compelling storybook.*

In conclusion, AW Schade writes with clarity and honesty and comes across as a war veteran who shares his stories through the many personal tragedies that he has faced during combat in Vietnam.

Monday, January 28, 2019

AW Schade - If I Fail, What Doom Awaits the Children


Reviewed by Shobana Gomes, Poet/Writer, Published Author, Book Reviewer
Date of Review: 28th January 2019
Image result for free images of 4 five point yellow stars

Title of Book: If I Fail, What Doom Awaits the Children 
Author: AW Schade
ISBN-13: 978-097885651 9
Publisher: Another View Publishing
Publication Date: January 1, 2018
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 76
Price: USD4.98 (sold on Amazon)


“Where are the girls?” He asked himself. He expected to at least see their heads animated as they clowned with each other in the back seat. But, no fooling around was going on and he wondered why.
 (Excerpt from A.W. SCHADE’s book “If I fail, what doom awaits the children)
A story skillfully woven to ignite suspense in the reader from the start. The story of Jacob A. Hinsen, a 65-year-old war veteran on a redemptive mission to impart therapy and support to PTSD veterans through volunteer work at the V.A.
However, a turn of events one morning, saw him rescuing three young girls from the hands of dangerous child traffickers!
Jacob’s expertise and training in war-related missions in Vietnam stood out throughout his quest to track and kill the kidnappers one by one. An account of his role while in combat, in the form of flashbacks that he recounts during the life-saving operation, reveals his hidden remorse and regret at the atrocities he faced during combat.
The story ends with a tinge of regret, perhaps even with some guilt. Jacob also attributes divine intervention in certain instances in this life-saving operation, always wondering at the back of his mind, if the events that took place were circumstantial.
I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to have a taste and feel of rescue, combat style which instilled in me recognition to the adage that when time is of the essence, no matter what it takes, instincts and rescue attempts warrant split-second decisions that are sometimes hard to accept on a personal level.

About the Author

A.W. Schade is a Marine Veteran turned prolific writer. With an impressive track record of 30 years in the corporate sector, first as a Bank Manager and thereafter in corporate executive marketing, business development, operations and sales, positions that he held right after his early retirement from the Marines. (He opted for early retirement as a result of recurring flashes of his darkest memories of combat in Vietnam).  As fate would have it, Schade was diagnosed with PTSD, something that in the early stages, he was not inclined to accept and denied. After eventually seeking assistance in therapy and recognizing the need to raise awareness to PTSD, in order to help other veterans who were experiencing the same disorder, he began to write stories to “open minds” as he so aptly writes in his biography.
AW Schade has skillfully demonstrated in his books that the effects of war on veterans and families are very real, damaging and one that needs lifelong healing and support.
His energy directed at writing and thus seeking remedial recovery is credible. What is more commendable and admirable is that he shares his experience to help other veterans and families affected by PTSD by raising awareness of the disorder through therapy sessions and support groups.
Schade is married, a father of three and a four-time grandfather. He holds a degree in Business Management from Syracuse University.
His Written Accreditation to-date

His first story was the award-winning novel, "Looking for God within the Kingdom of Religious Confusion," An enlightening 'creative non-fiction' story of one man's journey to find the truth about God and religion.
To help veterans recognize and accept PTSD, he wrote a story titled “The Demons of War are Persistent – his personal account of denial and living with PTSD and an essay titled “Not Alone” about the trepidation of entering group therapy. Both books are free to read and download on his website
His keen eye and experience in combat techniques saw him publish his first suspense-filled short story.  In “If I fail, what doom awaits the children”, Schade shows his humane and compassionate side as he writes fiction about three kidnapped children who are saved by an elderly veteran, Jacob A.Hinsen.
 In August 2017, Schade went one step further and consolidated all his stories into a single volume “anthology PERCEPTION.' Thus making his stories easier for readers to acquire individually or all in one compelling storybook.*

In conclusion, AW Schade writes with clarity and honesty and comes across as a war veteran who shares his stories through the many personal tragedies that he has faced during combat in Vietnam.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Shobana Gomes 
Creative Writing With Shobana


A little bit about me beforehand

Having started out with writing poetry in an international writing platform in 2007, I published my first book of modern-day poetry titled “Imagination Unchained – ISBN 978-1-4771-2519-9” in the summer of 2012, available on Amazon, published by

What started out as a means of writing down my thoughts and feelings after experiencing the unexpected devastating demise of my youngest brother, it has now blossomed into something that I do full-time to fulfill my driven passion and become part of the writing world that I have come to learn much from and respect.

After initially embarking on poetry, I started dwelling into fiction/non-fiction articles, stories, and novel writing, a move that was equally challenging and at the same time fulfilling as I penned away words to make stories come alive.

I am especially pleased that my book “A Christmas Duet” got me the top 10% among writer’s award in the Inkitt Novel Contest since published in paperback edition by Notion Press Ltd – ISBN 978-1-948424-83-7. Also available on Amazon. Additionally, I chose to publish a few children’s stories on Amazon.

Right now, in the year 2019, I am embarking on my most new venture – Reviewing Books at reasonable costs. I believe that good, quality and honest reviews will boost the confidences of authors everywhere and it shouldn’t be a hassle to get these reviews. Through experience, I have found it hard to have my books reviewed because I was unable to meet the fees of using professional reviewers.

I have reviewed a few books entered into the Inkitt Novel Contests and find it a great way to find great authors and delve into their writing abilities and stories.

I look forward to working and producing honest reviews for anyone who wants me to review their work. Email me for a quote today:


My fees

Anything between USD10 to USD120 depending on the length of the book. (To be discussed on a case to case basis) 
Please confirm the title of the book you want reviewing, ISBN and the number of pages of the book.

Payment: By way of Pay Pal. Due on the day, the Book Review is completed and submitted to an Author by email or entered on their website.

Time Frame for a Review

Between 10 days to 2 weeks, again depending on the length of the book. It can go up to a month.
(To be discussed on a case to case basis)

What I require

·         The full length of your manuscript in Word format
·         Previous reviews if any
·         What inspired you to write your book 
·         Any other detail that is important to the Author that I need to know.

Thank you for considering my review services and on a bigger note, you can trust me to keep to the deadlines and other finer details discussed between us. Don’t hesitate to let me know if the price is a factor.

If you are agreeable to the above terms, I shall send you a separate email to confirm the agreement. Please leave your contact details at the comment section below.

Or just let me know if you have any other queries, I would be happy to hear from you.

Happy writing and I look forward to a mutually rewarding experience.

Book Review: Classical Giants - Mozart

 I reviewed this book on Amazon today and loved it so much that I put it on my Review Blog. It is definitely a must-read about the legendary...